Climate and Health Africa Network for Collaboration
and Engagement
The CHANCE network brings together researchers, policymakers and other key stakeholders working within the climate change and health nexus in Africa
The CHANCE network was established in 2021 with the aim of advancing networking, research, learning, policy and financing for climate change and health in Africa.
To achieve this, the network facilitates stakeholders to meet, exchange knowledge, share information, collaborate on emerging climate and health research, share best practices through case studies including relevant mitigation and adaptation measures, coordinate efforts for advocacy and evidence-based African policy development, and provide technical assistance to promote access to climate financing.
Our Resources
The network utilizes platforms like Webinars (bi-monthly), Workshops (based on technical work streams), Policy Dialogues, Formal Trainings, Conferences (annual) and the soon to be launched online hub. We also leverage on other climate change and health initiatives in the region and globally to advance our agenda.
Upcoming Events

Advancing Climate Change and Health Security in Botswana
The symposium aims to foster collaboration, partnerships, and key discussions among key climate-health stakeholders to develop effective strategies for strengthening health system resilience and health security in Botswana.

The CHANCE network was created through the ENBEL-project, financed by the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101003966. Since then, the Network has received funding from the ‘HIGH Horizons’ project which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Framework Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101057843. HIGH Horizons project partner LSHTM is funded by UKRI Innovate UK, reference number 10038478.